The learning platform for all Drei employees.
The Drei Academy is our learning platform that all our employees can use to expand their knowledge on a subject area of their choice. The Academy is available on a PC, laptop and, of course, as an app on your smartphone.
Our entire training and development program is Drei Academy based. It consists of different areas:
- webinars in real-time
- online courses, no date and time fixed
- learning videos and relevant further learning material
If there is an individual training need, it can easily be organized through the Drei Academy.

Everyone's knowledge for everyone
With our Drei Generated Content initiative DGC for short all employees have the opportunity to share their expertise in the Drei Academy. Under the motto "Everyone's knowledge for everyone", we work together to optimize knowledge transfer and promote a self determined learning culture.
DGC was recognized as the winning project with the eLearning Award 2024 in the User Generated Content category.